Black Shark 6cm


The Black Shark is generally the biggest and meanest of all the freshwater sharks.



Name: Labeo chrysophekadion

Difficulty: Easy

Max Size: 40cm

Origin: Thailand

pH: 6.3-7.0

Temperature: 25-27°C

Minimum Tank Size: 120 L


Sharks are a general term used to describe a number of larger freshwater tropical fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family. These include the Silver Shark, Red Tail Shark, Siamese Flying Fox Shark and more. They originate from Asia, in particular Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra. Sharks do best in a tropical aquarium of at least 80L, kept at 25-27°C, with a pH of 6.0-7.0 and KH of 5.

Fish that coexist with Sharks in the aquarium include other species of sharks, barbs, larger tetras, corys, gourami and other community fish that thrive in a tropical environment. Sharks are omnivores and will accept most flake foods such as Sera Vipan and pellets such as Hikari Micro Wafers, but should also have some small foods such as frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms to supplement their diet with.